Friday, June 26, 2009

More Random Topics

First, some great Uppercase Living news. Through 7/23, here's the deal that's going on:

Purchase $40 or more, get $5 off your order
Purchase $60 or more, get $10 off your order
Purchase $80 or more, get $15 off your order
Purchase $100 or more, get $20 off your order

Wow- how fun! Just thought I'd share the deals. Please let me know if you're interested or have any questions. Here's the link to my website. Hopefully at some point I'll have pictures to show of what we're doing in Annika's room with Uppercase Living.

The other night, Annika requested her raincoat. I confirmed with her multiple times that this did not mean we were going outside, but she persisted. So she wore the jacket around the house until bathtime. She's a character.

And on the pregnancy front: a week or two to go here. My hemoglobin is back down below a 9... and now my platelets are down too. The hematologist is still puzzled by me, which is so discouraging. So I am going to go back one more time before my due date to get checked again, and if I go down more, then we'll do a blood transfusion right before delivery.


Amber said...

I'm sure it has to get exhausting, Brooke, just waiting for answers of what your body is up to. I think you've handled it all great. Keep hanging in there.

Who knows - maybe this baby will come and you'll have so much energy because your levels will be great and the transition will be a breeze!!!! : ) (sounds good - doesn't it?!?!).

We love you and can't wait to meet this new baby girl - take it easy these last few weeks.

Jessica said...

Oh Brooke, I am praying for you! I know you are exhausted and I cant wait for you to get your energy back!! I think you've handled it all great as well!
Cant wait for our little ones to grow up together either!

Jami said...

Wow Brooke - I can't believe your d-day is comming so soon! I'm praying for you!! Love you!