Thursday, April 15, 2010

9 Months Old

Alexa is nine months old!

In the past month, this girl has learned/demonstrated:

*climbing up a step or two
*going down a step or two (also known as falling)
*beginning to cruise
*the louder she yells, the quicker people respond to her
*eating whatever she can find, doing whatever she has to do to get it

*getting into lots of trouble

Nope, this next one does not need rotating... she fell back and kept on playing.

At her nine month appointment, she was
15th percentile for height
55th percentile for weight
such a fun girl


Mindy said...

Alexa Grace you are too cute!!! That second to last picture of her is hilarious!

Kristy said...

What a doll! I agree- that picture is so funny. : )