Monday, August 20, 2007

Daddies and Daughters

Such a beautiful thing, daddies and their daughters... I love how big manly men can get all soft when it comes to their daughters.

In the past few weeks, Andy has been able to feel and see his daughter kicking and dancing around... and I wish I could capture that look on his face so I can look at it again years down the road. He is so in awe of the miracle of her, so in love with her... and it is just magical.


Amber said...

i agree that magical is the perfect word to describe it . . .adorable fits right in there too!

Mrs. Hany said...

Daddys and their little girls are the best!!!! I love watching G and M together, they are so funny and I know that she has a great example of how a man should treat a woman from him!

Kristy said...

Too cute! There is nothing like feeling that precious baby kick and move inside of you, is there? Cherish it- I missed that after I had Cole!

That little girl is going to have Andy so wrapped around her little finger. : )

Marla H. said...

Yea! I did not know you were going to have a girl!

I totally agree with you. I have seen it a lot with my Andy. He is a total softy when it comes to our girls! He likes to take the girls on "date nights." They love it. I think that the relationship with a father and daughter is so special! AND important!