Thursday, December 6, 2007

The Name Game

Okay, so apparently everyone doesn't know the story about our baby name!

Here's the way our little Feucht family is doing things:

We had a list of girl names we both liked, and they all started with "A". SO we had that part out of the way- one letter down, the rest of the name to go! And then out of the list of names that we liked, I started saying them and using them one at a time. So we would pick one and say "this is it." Well, after using it for a few weeks, calling her by name, doing the yell test, etc., I would question it and start to change my mind about it. I would then discard that name, and move on, doing the same thing with each name.

Well, Andy correctly pointed out that if I continued with this pattern, our baby will pretty much not ever have a name... so he proposed a new plan. He picked the name from the original list of names we liked, and he's the only one that knows! I love it (though the grandmas don't!), because her name will be a surprise for all of us!

And of course, if I absolutely hate the name he has selected, I also have ultimate veto power after going through all that work. So that's the plan- stay tuned for the result!


Anonymous said...

Sounds like fun! Mark named all of our children as well. He wanted their name to mean something, so there is a special meaning behind each of their names that we have and will continue to share with them. For example: Shauna means God is gracious. All of the names initially took awhile to grow on me but I honestly love them now and think their names just fit them perfectly. I did know the name before the big day but I love surprises so not knowing sounds like a lot of fun as well.

You look great and I will continue to pray for you, Andy and baby.

Sara S.

Anonymous said...

I love that you gave the name the "yell" test!! Surely your child will never need their name "yelled!" Anyway, I am anxious to hear "THE" name that was chosen! Amy Jo was a name Duane always liked, and it took awhile for me to really agree to it, but it is so cute to hear Jenna say "May-me Jo" that I'm glad we went with it!

Jessica said...

How fun! I am a suprise junkie so I like that idea! You are almost there!