Tuesday, March 11, 2008

3 Months Old!

Well, 3 months old tomorrow, to be exact. But we are leaving bright and early tomorrow for her first trip to Florida! Andy and I will be at the Weekend to Remember down there, while Mom and Dad watch her. We are pretty excited! I love how this look says, "Mom, you are seriously not cool." Preview of the teenage years. :)
Those delicious cheeks... Her new thing, which you can't see great in this picture... she bites her bottom lip (can you call it biting if she doesn't have teeth?!) It is too funny.


Amber said...

I think she's such a perfect mix of mommy and daddy. kiss those perfect cheeks for me!

Mindy said...

Happy 3 month old Birthday Annika Joy! Have fun on your vacation! Tell Mommy to take lots of pictures of you in the cute swim suit and sundress we got you! Can't wait for you to come home and hopefully have a new cousin to meet! Love you!

Staci said...

Wow I can't believe she's 3 months old already! She looks more and more like you! Have a great trip!

Mama Runner said...

How cute! It's funny, I see all Mommy in the first pic and all Daddy in the last.

Unknown said...

Look at those eyelashes!!!

Wow, she is so sweet!