Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Catching you up on us... part 2

Organized by topic for your reading ease (yep, I'm a nerd!):

Pregnancy: *my hemoglobin continues to creep back up, so that's good. It's now at a 9.5 (I was below 9, which was when we were talking about blood transfusions. We are out of blood transfusion zone!) I no longer need 12 hours of sleep at night (plus naps; yes, it's true, I really did), so I'm thankful that I can function on a slightly more normal schedule now! The cause of my anemia still remains undetermined (it's not iron deficiency, if you haven't heard that part)- so after this baby is born, we'll see what all the tests reveal. I'd love to know what's wrong with me! The blessing of having anemia was that I have learned both how to say no to doing too much (because I had to), and saying yes to help.

*FAILED my Glucose screen, and so next week I will be heading off to spend a few hours taking my glucose tolerance test! I'm not devastated, since I figured this was coming- it's just frustrating having to think about food all of the time, and having to increase the grocery budget! My number was really high, so I'm guessing I'm going to be saying hello to the needle and monitor for the rest of my pregnancy.

Home: *Last Monday when I went downstairs to do laundry (which truly is my favorite "chore"), and got a few steps outside the laundry room... splosh... my socks were soaking wet. The sump pump backed up and water covered the laundry room floor and the carpet outside. What a fun start to the week, right? We're still in recovery mode from that. Ugh.

*We recently realized that it's just a few months until baby #2 arrives... and if we're going to get Annika into a big girl room before this baby comes, we need to do it... oh. Now. Wow. Baby round two moves so much more quickly! So we're wondering if we'll get things together, otherwise there will be no place for Annika's sister!

Annika: *She continues to surprise me by acting like such a big girl sometimes. "That's a good thing!" I have to remind myself, since she's going to be a big sister very shortly! I'm thankful to have this quality time at home with her.

Lots of words... but that's what has been going on with us!


Amber said...

Oh Brooke- bummer about the test (whether you expected it or not!). I'll be praying a miracle happens with your next one . ..although I dare suggest that Annika was worth all those finger pricks?! Hang in there - you do great!

I can't believe how grown up Annika seems to me - if Ava was here looking at the pictures with me she'd be wanting to play for sure! We miss you guys. : )

Haley said...

Great to hear the update! I feel like I haven't talked to you in a long time!

Good news about the hemoglobin but yucky news about the failed glucose screen. I'll be thinking of you!

Fun pics of Annika, but the sump pump problem is definitely not fun.

I do have to say I loved the orginization of your post. I too am a nerd like that. ;)

Jami said...

I'm glad to hear the updates Brooke! I'm sorry the tests didn't turn out great. I love you!