Friday, September 4, 2009

Don't you just wonder what's going on in their heads?

Annika does some weird things. I totally wonder what goes on in her head...

...insists on wearing a jacket/hooded sweatshirt no matter how hot the weather... and the hood must be up...
...Necklace and hat maybe?
...Goggles are just cool...
...Don't you love this look?! Like I'm the weird one...
...perhaps she thinks she's a celebrity: wearing sunglasses indoors, dressed wildly, strange behavior, and running from the paparazzi (aka me).
Oh, but I love her!


Marie Stork said...

Imaginations are so awesome...especially in kids!

Mindy said...

Oh Annika, you make me laugh! I forsee that you are going to have the same license plates as your mother when you turn 16...ENRG 247!