Thursday, February 25, 2010

Happy Anniversary to ME!

Last week was the one year anniversary of being a stay-at-home mommy. Wow, how time has flown. As you can imagine, my husband and children stood and gave lengthy speeches numbering my accomplishments. (In reality, I told Andy it was my anniversary and you could just hear his brain racing, terrified that he forgot a special occasion!)

The year has definitely been challenging- too many changes in too short a time- after I came home, within a few months, Andy changed jobs as well, and then Alexa was born (combined with a tough pregnancy and recovery). Whew.

Ultimately, though I miss a few things about work (some special people mainly), I continue to LOVE my job and the peace that comes with doing what I've been asked to do. Life is good.


Anonymous said...

I have my family stand up and praise me daily!! HA HA!
Happy Anniversary to You!! You are a great stay-at-home mommy!!

Anonymous said...

Ugh, when will we see more pictures of our nieces?

How about a video. Is that doable?


jamie kay said...

Congrats, Brooke! Stay at home moms have the best job ever and the toughest job ever! Enjoy it! Time at home with little ones goes so fast...I can't believe my baby will be going to kindergarten next year. I will be crying for sure!