Tuesday, March 9, 2010

A glimpse into Annika's life...

Playing with blocks...
Big towers...
Organizing blocks
(you can see her eyes crossing a lot here... we've since added bifocals to her glasses and that seems to help.)
the house that Annika and Mommy built
more organizing... seriously, I don't make this stuff up!
we may have a problem here. I would switch so the colors of the plate and cup were mismatching when she was not watching... she would immediately correct them.
"hold you"
What happens when Alexa gets too much attention from Daddy?
Annika crawls right in the middle of it. :)
helping Mommy in the kitchen: "Mix, mix, mix"
"Ouchie eyes."
Her eyes are sensitive to light, so she is not a big fan of the flash that comes with pictures.
"Pease, a-call Daddy."
So she chats with Daddy.
I love the obvious adoration.
More organizing.
"pease- fingers."
Our goofy girl.
What fun!


Mindy said...

Wow, if she is this organized now - LOOK OUT! What a fun girl! :)

Rebekah said...

the color organizing cracks me up!!! hillarious! they are so adorable brooke!


jamie said...

Annika the Organizer! I LOVE it!! She's just like her mother! Must be a Rocke trait!!