Saturday, September 22, 2007

I'm on a roll...

Okay, I have more to say!

I just wanted to bring everyone up to date on my after-baby work situation, because prayers are still appreciated... I will work full time up to her birth, and then be off for 3 months. I will go back part time (2-3 days a week instead of my usual 4) using family leave, so I won't technically be due back full time until around August.

I put in a proposal for me to go part time (still working at the crack of dawn!) permanently. My supervisor and manager are great with this, so it will be presented to our director at the beginning of October. We're not sure how much farther up the chain this has to go, so I have no idea when I will know more!

If I could please ask for prayers here...Please pray for my patience in this- I am doing fine now, but I would love to have an answer before she is born. And if this avenue isn't God's will, please pray that I can realize that and obey and learn to be content with whatever the correct route is...

Thanks all!

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