Saturday, September 29, 2007

Diet Status

So now I am halfway through my 10 days...Thursday is the glucose tolerance test (the 3-hour long one). It is pretty discouraging to know that whether I pass or fail, I pretty much have to follow the diet regardless. This is the time I'm supposed to be able to eat whatever I want!

Anyway, I have managed to maintain sanity in large part due to my fabulous husband... whose almost immediate response to my tears regarding being assigned this diet was "I'll do it with you." And after I protested, he said, "I've been praying for motivation to be healthier, and well... I'm sorry if this is the way it had to happen." So he has been a lifesaver so far... praising my healthy meals, eating SALAD regularly (if you know him well, your jaw is dropping about now!) getting me out on walks, and encouraging me through it all. Praise God for my helpmate!

So far, after about 4 days of following this diet and exercising regularly, Andy has lost almost 12 pounds! Take that, Biggest Loser contestants!

So everyone, as you enjoy your desserts and candy tonight, make sure you are REALLY savoring it for me!


Amber said...

there is a definate reason to why they are called our "helpmates" - isn't there!

And I am quite impressed!

Keep hanging in there . . .it does go faster than you think it will. Then you can be like my pitiful self . . .my first meal after labor in the hospital was a hot dog and french fries. . .followed by pizza for the next meal with chocolate chip cookies. All I can say was it all tasted SOOO good. : )

Kristy said...

So sweet of Andy!

Just think that you're probably making your job of losing the weight after the baby comes a little easier though. It sure goes on easy and it sure comes off hard (at least for me)! I know it's not nearly as fun though and easier to say than do. Good luck- hang in there!

Brooke said...

Mmmmmm... hot dogs... french fries... pizza... chocolate chip cookies... I can't wait... so about 11 more weeks until I can have delicious food again. I am drooling.

Mindy said...

SALAD! Whoa...


Mindy said...

A side thought on the "11 weeks until delicious food"

The average person has to try something, what, 21 or 25 times before it becomes a habit? With any luck and a lot of effort, by week 11 maybe you will start redefining "delicious."