Friday, October 5, 2007

Health Update

Okay, I will share my update...

Yesterday was my 3-hour glucose tolerance test. I failed one of the four tests, which it sounds like is normally something they let slide, but in combination with other information, they want to monitor me more closely. At this time, they are considering me "diabetic in pregnancy but controlled with diet." So for a week I will be poking my finger in the morning and after every meal to get a reading, so I can provide the doctor with more information.

I think that's all the information I have now... On a happier note, Andy is staying strong at 12 pounds down- hopefully he can keep it up! We'll see what temptations his weekend holds!...

1 comment:

Amber said...

bummer!!!! at least you know it's all for a good cause - a healthy happy baby girl!

so is andy going to do the finger pricks with you too?! : )