Friday, November 30, 2007

Making My List... and Eating it Twice

While some people are making up their wish lists for Christmas, I have been mentally writing my food list. Oh, sweet freedom! I can't WAIT to be able to eat whatever I want (assuming the diabetes is gone after she is born). I could very well double in size after this baby arrives!

Some things I seriously took for granted before this diet and look forward to enjoying soon:

*Nachos, of course! (top choice would be Taco Bell Nacho supreme)
*Most anything at church lunch...yum, baked goods! :)
*More than 1 cup of milk at a time
*Chocolate (any kind)
*The whole banana (not just a half)
*Most desserts!
*McDonald's cheeseburger (hold the pickles) and half of Andy's fries
*The orange jello salad I missed out on at Thanksgiving
*Lucky Charms
*a huge breakfast (pancakes, omelet, sausage, huge glass of juice-oh YUM!)

I really could go on and on but I will spare you all my unfulfilled cravings and leave you with the abridged list. Meanwhile, I am dying for some more food (especially after listing all of that deliciousness above) but still have an hour until I can eat more, after my next test.

I know, I know; this too shall pass! And very soon!


Anonymous said...

well, i have to say that your list made my stomache ache. It is 11:00am and i still haven't eaten breakfast yet. i have been babysitting all morning and was checking your blog and was dying to eat ALL of what you wrote! Love you and can't wait for you to join the ranks of the Great American Food eaters.

Mindy said...

Thanks a lot, now I'm starving for pizza and nachos! mmmmmmmmmmm...

Amber said...

all I can say is YUM!

not much longer!!!!!!!!!!!

Jessica said...

I am so proud of you! And hey, I will be the first to meet you at Taco Bell and celebrate with a Nachos Supreme...YUMMY! You are doing so good with all of this and you look fantastic! A few more weeks! Cant wait!

Anonymous said...

If its the same orange jello salad that was at our Thanksgiving, I don't blame you for adding it to your list. I can't believe you only have 2 weeks to go! Hang in there!!!! The end is in sight!

Jami said...

Oh you are so funny! What a good mommy though...the sacrifices have begun! :)