Monday, February 4, 2008

Super Bowl Sunday!

Daddy made us do it... we're aware the Packers didn't play in the Super Bowl, but we had to wear this anyway!Ava and Annika

Aren't they too cute?!
Ava was very interested in seeing what this girl in the matching sleeper was all about!

We caught a smile on camera!

What a fun night!


Mindy said...

Darling pictures! It was fun for me to be able to spend a little quality time with Annika after Noah went to bed! When he's around he just loves on her too much, that I can hardly get any kisses in!

Amber said...

her smile is so sweet!

Jami said...

way to support your team, and your husband! :)

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad everything worked out for you at work--that is the power of prayer for you. The Lord will give us the desires of our hearts, and He delivered you out of your situation! Your baby is so cute--hope all is well!